Brokehoe's new grow


"The Philosopher, is Stoned"
I'm going to attempt the Malawi Cob out lined here. I'm thinking I could get two. It will give me something to do.

Any input from @Rozgreenburn or anyone else that has attempted please let me know.
Should I start a noobs approach to this? I think I will.

I have to pick up some husks mine are a little one the small side. (Popcorn) Corn was a bust this year, apparently all over my area.

Should I trim leaves or just leave them? Not sure what this method calls for.
I used the same process you mentioned with no serious problems. If they seem too wet they should be opened, dried for another day and sealed again. I put this aside for now, as it smoothes the smoke out and mellows the scents. I've got a QP of this set aside for 9-10 months and it is just as good as the day it got the final seal! I did a wet trim, removed the leaves and cobbed it, easy.
Hit me up if I can help. Good luck ;)

Edit; Skip the goat chapter :LOL:


Malawi Cob Cure- Neville's Haze
Removed seeds(not as many as I hoped)
Trimmed most of the leaves
Removed stems
Wet corn husk (I grew this corn)
Start to roll and press firmly
20220906_115648.jpg 20220906_115835.jpg 20220906_120034.jpg 20220906_120823.jpg
I used dental rubber bands. It's only 28g.
Fluffy buds, I think this will be cool.
Last step smoke finger hash


Staff member
I think that's the activation stage. Right
Step two hot water bath in crockpot or yogurt maker.
Says 104°-140°f for 24 hours

If I'm not doing it right tell me. Lol
I don't know what the temps are exactly, but personally wouldn't go hotter than "warm". Low and High on a crockpot are ultimately the same temp, it's just Low takes longer to get there....


Cannabis Chaotician
Staff member
I think that's the activation stage. Right
Step two hot water bath in crockpot or yogurt maker.
Says 104°-140°f for 24 hours

If I'm not doing it right tell me. Lol
Yeah, your gonna have a hard time getting those temps in a Crockpot to be honest. Mine hits about 200 on low. Even most ovens won't go that low. What I'd probably do in your case is heat water to that temp range, probably on the higher end and then put the sealed pouch in the water with a cover on and then put the whole thing in a cooler with a candy thermometer... just add warm water as needed to maintain the temp. But obviously that's still pretty hands on even if you just checking it every 4-6 hours

Edit: you can also wrap the pot of water in a towel in the cooler to slow down the cooling even more. Basically like making pulled pork lol


I like the idea.

Great job on putting that thing together, btw!!!
Thanks I've had a little practice rolling.
I think I'm going to interview at the local sushi restaurant.

I'm liking this. If it turns out even remotely worthwhile, I plan on trying it with some solid buds.
The original poster of that process says to play around with the moisture content, temps and duration of cure. All are good ? some you may like better.


I want to run some sativas
I've got, I would like to have a few more pure sativas.
Old Silver Thai (??)
OST x Panama Haze
Swazi Gold (wide leaf)
Monster Ghost (100-120 day)
Neville's Haze
Mexican Death Sativa
Bahia (landrace)
Maui Wowie x Platinum Punch

Not sure if they all qualify but that's what I got. Any help in picking two or six. Let me know
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