Jewels’ SCROAT Show


Tilts at Tables
Welcome Meat Gazers !

SCreen Of All Tangie

ThIs will be the precursor Flower Show to the “Room of Tangie”. All Sour Tangie crosses are creations of @THT. They were snuck under the fence courtesy of @chiefer888 .
This could get Loud.

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Start from beginning: Room is 8x6 with eight foot ceilings. Two of 3x5 splash tables. Yes, they are ‘all-fridge’ doors. The side side pro door, across the back , is 12x60. Got some plans for that one.
Gonna add one more fixture, because,, why not?
I took a cue from the Crystal Palace, and left a centre aisle, allowing access to the back wall. I am slowly catching on; as such, dropped from milkcrate stanchions to bricks. Keeping the birds view on this one.
Up potting as I flip, because- I suck and stuff. So gunshy after that bamboo festival, everyone is still chill’n in tiny quarts, some in half gallons. Been diligently topping and keeping everything manageable.
Perhaps bluffing there: Veg room looks pretty stuffy again.
It is time.
I have never cast a net before, this could be interesting.
Because, I am incouragable, and my own worsted enemy; I will be getting jinky with my soil presentation. Got an idea I want to try out.

Everything is Perme’d down and shined up. Found some ‘Rhino-wrap’ , to seal the leaks.
All systems go.

Introductions as they arrive.
With a few outstanding exceptions, we are looking at all @THT and GK Genetics this time round.
Huddling, dim, cold and wet, I start with the bar real low,,, I tensioned the extension cord, and hung it under the dripping plant. We are off to a hell of a start kids !

This Gal will soon be a star.
GK Genetics
God O War

Oooo Yeeah!! Looking forward to following along with the Tangie fest.
Good to have you aboard, ball gazers and prudes alike, all are welcome here.
I can’t believe you fell for it twice,
Multi-Goat !
Caught you staring at the root
Dint I ?

Perhaps even a coffee

Still settling in. Here is the 3x5 SSteel sheet I used for the ceiling quarter pipe @Fr3nzy
this will help push my ac air down.
Si-fu would agree. The air WANTS to work for you. Heat likes to rise, help it on its way. Cold air wants to fall, it is most efficient to encourage that action.
That old girl, Nature and her nerdy friend, Physics are constant companions. Kinda like Gravity - not going away anytime soon.
Let things do what they want to do. Manipulate that to your advantage. My res. was hot, so I buried it in the cool earth.
My lights on air is too hot, so I went nocturnal shine - and pipe in cool nighttime air.
Why buy a duhuey, and struggle against nature, and the rest of my gear ? A little forced air heat during lights out, naturally eats moistures like mad.
It’s that Kung-fu stuff again @spyralout, subtle applications of amplification and direction. The correct amount of energy in the appropriate location.
The simplest mechanisms are the least like to break down.
Si-fu would agree. The air WANTS to work for you. Heat likes to rise, help it on its way. Cold air wants to fall, it is most efficient to encourage that action.
That old girl, Nature and her nerdy friend, Physics are constant companions. Kinda like Gravity - not going away anytime soon.
Let things do what they want to do. Manipulate that to your advantage. My res. was hot, so I buried it in the cool earth.
My lights on air is too hot, so I went nocturnal shine - and pipe in cool nighttime air.
Why buy a duhuey, and struggle against nature, and the rest of my gear ? A little forced air heat during lights out, naturally eats moistures like mad.
It’s that Kung-fu stuff again @spyralout, subtle applications of amplification and direction. The correct amount of energy in the appropriate location.
The simplest mechanisms are the least like to break down.
I have my ac set up high to cool the warm air and blow across the room. Once it hits the back wall that ramp would be nice to force the cooled air down and across my plants. Kinda hits back wall and goes where it goes lol.

Main reason it is set high is so I can push air across room and not bombard my plants. Ideally I would control garage temp and rh and pump in room like most tents work but that is way out of the question
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Makes me want to set up a tent.
Acknowledge homeostasis, and try not to go against the grain.
Tents will keep some elements out, and trap others in.
Preconceive which factors a tent will assist, and also consider the drawbacks.
I had to build an insulated tent to survive the winter. Otherwise I would be better off bare balling in the open garage.
I have had the doors wide open since the snow disappeared.
Heat from HID and humidity are dumped constantly during lights on. Sometimes I need electric heat or intake air during lights out, in order to control humidity. Some things are more easily replaced, than reformed.

I think my biggest aversion to readymade tents is the confined space and difficulty making modifications.
I like being able to attach ledger board to the wall, and hanging my ballast-on-board 400 W MH’s any where I can find a stud.
If you enjoy tinkering, rearranging, elbow room, and constant Tomfoolery, tents can be restrictive.
How could I miss the Waiting reference
Not Sure
But the game loses its meaning, if you are not sufficiently humiliated.

Cant float this whole boat on hot air.
Time to deliver the goods.
GK Genetics
God O War
Still uppotting, before I moor them down.
They are all topped early, I am hoping to flatten , splay, reduce height by more than 50%.

You may regard my new ‘Rhino Wrap‘ Not certain on pricing (was gift) , but the product is superior. Rip stop, and lightproof , it rivals the (blue) vapor barrier I was utilizing before. Gimmee a Arrow stapler and bit of space,,,I could bang out a tent in no time.
Let’s get jinky
Saw a media recipe using crushed brick. I gots bricks. Hans Bricks.
The way I see it, red equals iron.

From bottom up, goes-
- brick
- egg carton
- brick
- bunny powers
Just a delight, filling these buckets. I drug my finishing pile over, so it was still on the concrete, but connected to earth. Every shovelful had nightcrawlers. No, not hooker remnants: big fat earthworms.
Most of The Sour is potted.
Both GK Genetics - God O War , complete.
These kids are next
GK Genetics- Ground Pounder
Complete with (Front and Center)
‘Quarter Pounder’
That there is the difference between front and back row, light positioning privilege.
I will keep saying it.
Light drives photosynthesis .

This Quaterpounder reminds me of me wife.
We should be wise not to underestimate this firecracker.

Here is a Romulan Blueberry clone. Seed never panned out. Taking another run at it.
Also congratulations are in order,as my garden was recently declared a world nesco heritage site.
Jewels’ Tray of FUNdy
Romulan front and left.
@Deebs Crocket Sour Tangie Centre.

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