Been hunting through some males to start some projects. So far the standouts are one of the TKNL5 x Sawtooth Skunks and one of the Butterscotch Whiskeys, but for completely different reasons. The TKNL5xSTS is all about the stank. He has nice structure too. And I like that it has really distinctive leaves (can definitely see where the Sawtooth name comes from) so it should be easy to identify how much he comes through in the progeny
The BSW has a great stem rub but not nearly as distinct but where he really shines is in vigor and durability. Ive put these guys through the ringer already, they've missed waterings, been under fed and beat up. Dealt with crazy temp changes. This BSW doesn't care. He's looked healthy and happy no matter what. Not even a hint of a drooping leaf or a discolored leaf.
I may end up trying to collect from both but we will have to see how ambitious I feel. I've barely succeeded in collecting pollen at all so far lol
No final decisions yet. Still have plants that haven't even shown sex so more boys could certainly join the hunt. Only a couple have been culled so far, mostly for having a structure I didn't find appealing