Kokusho, and other thoughts on cannabis procreation


Cannabis Chaotician
Staff member

So I decided to start a separate journal for the Kokusho project and any other chucks I decide to attempt along the way so my main journal can just focus on my stash tent

I don't expect frequent updates in these early stages but one interesting note is that that seedling you see above, Kokusho #5, is the only one of the 9 I have going showing a deep purple on the underside of her cotyledon leaves... we'll be keeping an eye on this one..

Been hunting through some males to start some projects. So far the standouts are one of the TKNL5 x Sawtooth Skunks and one of the Butterscotch Whiskeys, but for completely different reasons. The TKNL5xSTS is all about the stank. He has nice structure too. And I like that it has really distinctive leaves (can definitely see where the Sawtooth name comes from) so it should be easy to identify how much he comes through in the progeny

The BSW has a great stem rub but not nearly as distinct but where he really shines is in vigor and durability. Ive put these guys through the ringer already, they've missed waterings, been under fed and beat up. Dealt with crazy temp changes. This BSW doesn't care. He's looked healthy and happy no matter what. Not even a hint of a drooping leaf or a discolored leaf.

I may end up trying to collect from both but we will have to see how ambitious I feel. I've barely succeeded in collecting pollen at all so far lol

No final decisions yet. Still have plants that haven't even shown sex so more boys could certainly join the hunt. Only a couple have been culled so far, mostly for having a structure I didn't find appealing
So both Butterscotch Whiskey males look really good and I'm seriously considering using one in a chuck. The structures are completely different, but they're both structures I really like. One is a perfect xmas tree shape (also already shows some purple on the pollen sacs) and the other has been topped once, then the lower branches caught up to the uppers so there's 4 even height branches now. I absolutely love plants that do that, because you can get 4 nice colas with very minimal training, and without taking up too much horizontal space. Which works well for me.

Anyways, I want to smoke some BSW before I chuck with it so I'm going to keep these boys in veg and flower out the female I have. At least see if it shows promise...

I decided I needed to know more about the strain, so I mapped out it's heritage as best I could...

Some Ballin genetics in there, but damn, there's a lot going on lol. I find it interesting Trainwreck shows up twice.

If you can't tell, I'm pretty high. Bong rips of SCJ have me ramblin...
This how ya gonna find "the evening star" pHeno. I can see it's legacy now...you choose it to complete the MTG reference but everyone be saying it's because it's fabulous afternoon smoke and great meds for nighttime hours...

I forgot to respond to this... but no lie, naming a cut for super nerdy reasons only to have it anonymously become part of the pantheon of legendary clone only cuts, where it's name is misinterpreted for generations would be the greatest thing ever. I'd never tip anyone off....

Your all sworn to secrecy now...
Here's the Butterscotch Whiskey male I like the most of all the boys so far. 20210414_223059.jpg

He's been vigorous and durable, responded well to pruning and topping and has a structure that works really well for my grow style, where with just a single topping you end up with two main colas and two kind of sub main colas. I tend to get good yields with plants with this structure. He also showed sex early which is always a bonus. Stem rub is a really unique funk. Kind of skunky ammonia. Almost alcohol, which I suppose would be fitting.

The other BSW male has the exact same stem run but I don't like the structure as much. The male preflowers do show some purple though so I've kept him around for a little more observation.

I'm also observing a Black Abyss male. Another one with a nice stanky stem rub, and I like the deep serrations on his leaves. But he took much longer to show sex than the other males.

The TKNL5 x Sawtooth Skunk male (as well as the two females) smells great and looks great but was just too finicky already. Compared to the others it showed really drastic reactions to even the slightest stress... so he is ded now.
The Kokusho all look good. As with all my other plans I'm a little behind. Having to go down to two tents for a good part of the winter sucked. Should be getting things moving along there soon.

I did decide to renumber everything to include the first three. I'll always consider that favorite pheno from last time, that I hope to find again, Kokusho #2.

So this rounds #1 is now #4. ?

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