In Bloom
So, y'all know I'm running some weak blurples. A pair of growstar s600 LEDs. One worked great for starting seedlings under, and with their features, they're a decent micro-scale light. They've even done well up to now in veg
I'm running two in a 4ft x4ft x 76" tent.
They're rated at 140W actual watts each. So, that gives me a total of 280 watts. 280w / 16sqt = 17.5w/sqft
That's obviously nowhere near enough for anything respectable, and I'm seeing the growth rates suffer. The plants above should be 2x - 3x the size they are for their age.
I want to stay under $200 for another light, so that rules out a 315w CMH (dreamed of those for years, but they're still not reasonable -- I'm already ~$700 deep into just the indoor). Keep in mind, I'll continue running what I have in combination with the additional light.
Searching amazon for hlg qb132 turns up a ton of shit, and the LED market has exploded with a ton of cheap Chinese shit. My goal is to hit as close to 50w/sqft as possible, within my budget for now. Anything above 1000w (*cough*mars*cough*) isn't super transparent on their actual wattage.
So that brings me to the whole reason for another post.
What are some recommendations? I don't have the time to dick around with figuring out the right drivers, etc. so I'm looking for all-in-ones right now. Throw me some links, I'll reciprocate somehow once the above plants show their gear
I'm running two in a 4ft x4ft x 76" tent.
They're rated at 140W actual watts each. So, that gives me a total of 280 watts. 280w / 16sqt = 17.5w/sqft
That's obviously nowhere near enough for anything respectable, and I'm seeing the growth rates suffer. The plants above should be 2x - 3x the size they are for their age.
I want to stay under $200 for another light, so that rules out a 315w CMH (dreamed of those for years, but they're still not reasonable -- I'm already ~$700 deep into just the indoor). Keep in mind, I'll continue running what I have in combination with the additional light.
Searching amazon for hlg qb132 turns up a ton of shit, and the LED market has exploded with a ton of cheap Chinese shit. My goal is to hit as close to 50w/sqft as possible, within my budget for now. Anything above 1000w (*cough*mars*cough*) isn't super transparent on their actual wattage.
So that brings me to the whole reason for another post.
What are some recommendations? I don't have the time to dick around with figuring out the right drivers, etc. so I'm looking for all-in-ones right now. Throw me some links, I'll reciprocate somehow once the above plants show their gear