Photon Pharms
In Bloom
Hey everyone, as always, thanks for your time and help in advance. I have always used Botanigard for root aphids. Beauveria bassiana, seems to be the best approach, to just get the job done. And has proved its worth in my hands at least. Now, don't you all just love 2020!? Anyone else having just a full banner year or what!? I mean I'm straight killing it, the world couldn't be a kinder, gentler place. Our king seems on the up and up. Justice at every corner and good vibes as far as the heart can see?...... No,?...... Yeah me either, at all at all. At all. Ha. Anyway, the longest possible way I could say, so times are a bit tight and I'm strapped for cash at roughly $80-90 for Botanigard. I have sierra natural science, 203. If anyone has used it, would love to hear what a solid, root drench, from that formula does. I have read too many studies, very convincing ones at that, to change my mind on nematodes on these guys. And as I said, I really don't like messing around. I knock on the door, and just blast through it before they even open it, but as they approach it. Little bastards..... Anyway, anything out there, off brand Beauveria bassiana, or something that works, anyone can suggest? I'd be doing a drench on about 15, 3 gals fabrics. For what it's worth. Thanks again in advance for making it this far in my rambling rant with a root aphid problem slid in there somewhere,and for any help. Best of luck to you all.... Dirty fingernails and life's on rails for you all.
Edit: it appears that BioCeres G WP is now the preferred formula from them now for root aphids.
Edit: it appears that BioCeres G WP is now the preferred formula from them now for root aphids.