Tex’s Grow & Show


Some of y’all been asking for it so here we go. I’ll just start off with some info. I’ll get y’all some pics up later. I’ve been growing for right at 11 years. Not the longest, not the shortest. Started off in mom and pops back yard down south on the DL. Got jacked due to a few too many people knowing what was going on. First lesson learned. Moved to the PNW and got into medical for several years and all was grand until recreational came about. Decided to downsize and fall under rec rules for personal that way I don’t have to report what I have, how many, etc. So I dumped a few grand worth of gear off at habitat for humanity as there was no market for used gear at the time. Lesson 2 learned, buy used, diy, etc. Now I just grow for the love of the plant and the therapy I get from being in the garden. So, I’m mainly in a 4x4x8 tent, have another 4x4x7 I think it is and I also have a tray stand and a couple trays, 2- 315cmh light set ups one air cooled one open but horizontally mounted, a few blurple leds and a ton of misc gear. I want to build a strip light or qb setup at some point but I’m not in a super rush. Hmm, I think I’ve rambled on enough. Hopefully that didn’t bore everyone to death and make you fall asleep. New to forums before cp. Got to chatting with a handful of y’all over there. Feel blessed to be apart of this community and hope to be a contributor in a positive way.
Bout dang time!!! ???
Love it mang. No more hunting around to see your fine ladies. ???
Thank you @JL2G . Appreciate the compliment mang! I’ll get some pics up shortly. I’ll dig and see what I’ve got from the very beginning and see if I can get them up. I didn’t take any of the bad pics with curled up twisted leaves and purple stems all the way down the plant. I’ve done all that and then some. Learning experience for sure and I did it all alone and had to figure things out alone which was on me as I /am somewhat of a private person. Anyways, I’ll dig and see what I can get put up so it’s not so darn bare. Have a great day☕️✌?
Thank you @Phylex ! I’m excited, first journal ever and it’s public. Gonna have a panic attack. Naw, I don’t get those? Pics coming soon??✌?
Come on @AlienAthena , I've been waiting for the feisty quick witted quip. You've been on him for awhile to get this going. He's finally succumbed to your peer pressure ?
Nice place might wanna get an interior decorator up in er’
Some of y’all been asking for it so here we go. I’ll just start off with some info. I’ll get y’all some pics up later. I’ve been growing for right at 11 years. Not the longest, not the shortest. Started off in mom and pops back yard down south on the DL. Got jacked due to a few too many people knowing what was going on. First lesson learned. Moved to the PNW and got into medical for several years and all was grand until recreational came about. Decided to downsize and fall under rec rules for personal that way I don’t have to report what I have, how many, etc. So I dumped a few grand worth of gear off at habitat for humanity as there was no market for used gear at the time. Lesson 2 learned, buy used, diy, etc. Now I just grow for the love of the plant and the therapy I get from being in the garden. So, I’m mainly in a 4x4x8 tent, have another 4x4x7 I think it is and I also have a tray stand and a couple trays, 2- 315cmh light set ups one air cooled one open but horizontally mounted, a few blurple leds and a ton of misc gear. I want to build a strip light or qb setup at some point but I’m not in a super rush. Hmm, I think I’ve rambled on enough. Hopefully that didn’t bore everyone to death and make you fall asleep. New to forums before cp. Got to chatting with a handful of y’all over there. Feel blessed to be apart of this community and hope to be a contributor in a positive way.
Good intro. I've been knowing you for a minute and I learned a lil something about you from it.

Other folks be like:

While I'm like:
Hell yeah bro, get you some. It's always nice to see folk's gardens and flowers!

Speaking of flowers know you and cob, and a couple others, are still sitting on the reversed lvtk crosses and I'm surprised y'all haven't had to call the fire department. Straight burning up the stash?

That albino Boogieman will hit you like Gallagher's sledgehammer. Definitely NSFW
Hell yeah bro, get you some. It's always nice to see folk's gardens and flowers!

Speaking of flowers know you and cob, and a couple others, are still sitting on the reversed lvtk crosses and I'm surprised y'all haven't had to call the fire department. Straight burning up the stash?

That albino Boogieman will hit you like Gallagher's sledgehammer. Definitely NSFW
They’re in the works brother. I’m about to set all of the previously mentioned gear up in one space so I can do some hunting. Gonna get real again. Just fearful of this summer because our winter was mild compared to the last couple. Prolly gonna be hot!??
They’re in the works brother. I’m about to set all of the previously mentioned gear up in one space so I can do some hunting. Gonna get real again. Just fearful of this summer because our winter was mild compared to the last couple. Prolly gonna be hot!??
You're all good buddy!

Oh yeah it is, I'm going swap out the 315w cmh for some quantum boards to help fight heat.
Alrighty, let’s go back in time a ways and look at my most favorite strain the infamous green crack. Not only was it tasty and an almost overwhelming high at times but it was one of the best yielding plants I’ve grown to date. Forgive the picture quality, this was many years ago in a 4x8 tent that is long gone now. Built the frame from 2x2 wood and was solid as a rock. I don’t have any full room pics. Before the time of phones with cameras and I was paranoid so all I have are the memories. Here we go.
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