Theory on late nanners


Underground Chucker
I was listening to Jeremy from BAS and he said something that I found interesting. Light intensity later in flower when plant is fading/senescence confuses the plant. Expecting winter sun and diminished light levels but still getting high noon summer light puts an unnatural stress on a plant.
Anyone else have thoughts?
I was listening to Jeremy from BAS and he said something that I found interesting. Light intensity later in flower when plant is fading/senescence confuses the plant. Expecting winter sun and diminished light levels but still getting high noon summer light puts an unnatural stress on a plant.
Anyone else have thoughts?
It’s sounds legit lol like it makes sense but I’m a stoner lol
I was always of the thought that we wanted to stress the plant at the end of flower to increase resin production. Why has the current trend changed to less stress & a more natural enviroment nearing the end? I could see doing that for tomatoes but resin production will suffer in cannabis. I'm not against the technology, I've looked and it and would consider adopting if it worked. We need one of our in house botanists to chime in.
I was always of the thought that we wanted to stress the plant at the end of flower to increase resin production. Why has the current trend changed to less stress & a more natural enviroment nearing the end? I could see doing that for tomatoes but resin production will suffer in cannabis. I'm not against the technology, I've looked and it and would consider adopting if it worked. We need one of our in house botanists to chime in.
I think part of it comes down to pushing it to the edge without going over. I’ve also heard that stress later increases resin. A counter thought is to allow the plant to come to its own conclusion/finale for a higher quality flower
I think part of it comes down to pushing it to the edge without going over. I’ve also heard that stress later increases resin. A counter thought is to allow the plant to come to its own conclusion/finale for a higher quality flower
I agree, you definetly don't want to push it so hard that it causes hermies in an otherwise stable line (if you are growing for bud, not to test for the trait for breeding purposes) I remember the first HPS I bought had an overdrive setting that wasn't to be used except in the last two weeks of flower. If I'm not mistaken THC production is a result of a protective measure taken by the plant to shield it from light stress or other stresses. Removing that stress should theoretically lessen amount of thc. I gotta read up more on the seasonal change, slow, soft landing stuff- It really counters the typical lower the light height, drop the humidty and crank up the wattage on the lights.
For end of flower stage hermie Nanners it’s also a survival for the female to know if it has been pollinated by a male for future generations to proceed. So some genetics def will pull that limit per week, a good example is GG4 8.5-9 weeks or it will pull some nanners sometimes

stress and unstable genetics play huge rolls , like many things prevention and knowing the issue is the key

What is a Hermaphrodite cannabis plant?​

Monoecious, or unisexual plants also occur in cannabis plants in some cases: male and female flowers on a single plant. This is an evolutionary survival strategy that allows cannabis plants to reproduce in an emergency, even when there are no males around. However, there are two causes for a female cannabis plant to produce male flowers. In some cases, stress causes a cannabis plant to become a hermaphrodite, and in other cases, cannabis plants have a genetic predisposition to it.

The issues with feminized seeds​

To understand why hermaphrodite cannabis plants are often associated with feminized marijuana seeds, you need to know how feminized cannabis seeds are made. This is the short version: a female plant is intentionally stressed with a particular substance by a grower. This is often gibberellic acid, but silver water and other substances are also used. The stress causes the female cannabis plant to go into a kind of emergency mode and to produce male flowers.

Because the female cannabis plant only has x chromosomes (sex chromosomes) and a male cannabis plant has both x and y chromosomes, the pollen determines the sex of the seed. In a normal situation, the seed principle has received an x chromosome from the parent plant, and either an x or a y chromosome from the parent plant. However, when the pollen comes from a female plant, it always contains an x chromosome and never a y chromosome, for the simple reason that female cannabis plants do not have y chromosomes. The seed that results from this always has two x-chromosomes (one from the hermaphrodite pollen, and one from the mother plant in which the seed grows) and will therefore always be female.

To make feminized cannabis seeds, female cannabis plants are deliberately made hermaphrodite.

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I was listening to Jeremy from BAS and he said something that I found interesting. Light intensity later in flower when plant is fading/senescence confuses the plant. Expecting winter sun and diminished light levels but still getting high noon summer light puts an unnatural stress on a plant.
Anyone else have thoughts?
Since I’ve switched to leds, albeit cheap ones, and pushing the light limits like I do, I think I believe this. I’ve had plants be done before they should have been, glands be a mix of clear, amber, and cloudy. I can’t hardly get all amber anymore. I’ve let some go and it’s like the thc broke down or was absorbed by the final product potency. Not in a completely crazy way, but noticeable, especially when a early sampler bud was potent as all get out. Never had it happen like it with hps. But the all around increased growth of veg and buds make the leds worth it, effects of the differences of light intensity and learning from it keeps me on my toes.
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