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Staff member
Did you ever wake up with bullfrogs on your mind?

This one will give you time to finish your coffee, make another pot. finish it, grind some buds, roll a couple of joints, and finish the 2nd roach before you get to the punch line at the end. See you Saturday.

To answer your question, no - I have never woken up with bullfrogs on my mind....????
I woke up to a 4am alarm. Came out of a dream that I was sleeping on the floor of a living room other than mine (my dad's)?

Came across your thoughtful Blues tune at 3:50pm and honestly rose up out of my chair, fashioned a cup of instant Bru coffee, returned and just focused on the song and video.
It was great to slow down and do nothing else. The harmonics right before the punchline made me smile. Whoever took the time to make the video did a fantastic job.

Thank you ?

see you Saturday for sure
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