What's On Your Mind?


Can’t recall having clones go so well in a long time . I’m quietly chuffed .
I’m suspicious, things are going too well .
Some bug will be sitting somewhere plotting the next raid .
I’m ready ☝️
A couple are mystery clones until I can match them more accurately visually . Rookie mistake of missing a couple labels . You think I’d know better by now . View attachment 203163 View attachment 203164 View attachment 203165
Is it... bugging you, that everything is going well?

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
Man if there is one thing I can't stand, it's waking up to learn that someone I raised, and all that entails i.e. the work, worry, and sacrifice, has been up talking shit about me on FB in the middle of the night. This time it's about not being fed properly as a child (again !!). It's beyond absurd. And he never EVER brings any of the shit he goes on FB and snivels about up to my face. He sat right here with me just Sunday evening, before posting his drivulous bs last night, sat here and drank 3 beers that I went and got him no less, ate french bread pizza with us for supper, and of course we had a smoke sesh. Speaking of which he is a family planner who has benefited from many a cost free zip, saving him a ton of money.

It's like he has no understanding that he is talking shit about people he ought not to be disrespecting by saying the things he's saying, in a forum and at a time when they are not present to make any answer to his slander.

Ded Teletubbie GIF by MOODMAN
Man if there is one thing I can't stand, it's waking up to learn that someone I raised, and all that entails i.e. the work, worry, and sacrifice, has been up talking shit about me on FB in the middle of the night. This time it's about not being fed properly as a child (again !!). It's beyond absurd. And he never EVER brings any of the shit he goes on FB and snivels about up to my face. He sat right here with me just Sunday evening, before posting his drivulous bs last night, sat here and drank 3 beers that I went and got him no less, ate french bread pizza with us for supper, and of course we had a smoke sesh. Speaking of which he is a family planner who has benefited from many a cost free zip, saving him a ton of money.

It's like he has no understanding that he is talking shit about people he ought not to be disrespecting by saying the things he's saying, in a forum and at a time when they are not present to make any answer to his slander.

Ded Teletubbie GIF by MOODMAN
It’s a generational thing it seems…I brush up against this at times with one of mine…

Humbly he admits deep down he just wants a victims attention..he corrects it, but he is still young.

Social Media is a f’d up thing…there is no real use for it.


Man if there is one thing I can't stand, it's waking up to learn that someone I raised, and all that entails i.e. the work, worry, and sacrifice, has been up talking shit about me on FB in the middle of the night. This time it's about not being fed properly as a child (again !!). It's beyond absurd. And he never EVER brings any of the shit he goes on FB and snivels about up to my face. He sat right here with me just Sunday evening, before posting his drivulous bs last night, sat here and drank 3 beers that I went and got him no less, ate french bread pizza with us for supper, and of course we had a smoke sesh. Speaking of which he is a family planner who has benefited from many a cost free zip, saving him a ton of money.

It's like he has no understanding that he is talking shit about people he ought not to be disrespecting by saying the things he's saying, in a forum and at a time when they are not present to make any answer to his slander.

Ded Teletubbie GIF by MOODMAN

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
It’s a generational thing it seems…I brush up against this at times with one of mine…

Humbly he admits deep down he just wants a victims attention..he corrects it, but he is still young.

Social Media is a f’d up thing…there is no real use for it.

I've responded different ways, I've thrown fits, I've ignored it, etc. and it still happens every few months. I hate being this pissed off it's exhausting lol.

Oh Billy, my friend. You have no idea how I would love to post him that, BUT his Mom and I had a hostile divorce and it would blow up her and the guy I got kicked to the curb for which I can live with, but something tells me my wife now would not appreciate the humor. Not the same way you and I do. But thanks for the laugh I needed it.


I've responded different ways, I've thrown fits, I've ignored it, etc. and it still happens every few months. I hate being this pissed off it's exhausting lol.

Oh Billy, my friend. You have no idea how I would love to post him that, BUT his Mom and I had a hostile divorce and it would blow up her and the guy I got kicked to the curb for which I can live with, but something tells me my wife now would not appreciate the humor. Not the same way you and I do. But thanks for the laugh I needed it.
Glad I gave you a chuckle at least :) Don't worry too much bro; people who seek attention and want constant fucking pats on the back generally get found out pretty fast.


I had quite a busy day today. Went to my mom's house, and emptied half her shed out to get it sorted for this time of year (Winter stuff in the back and whatnot), picked up the Wife, and headed back to the house ty get ready for my Uncle.

Took the kids with us to his home, and then emptied his shed, sorted, and probably did a bit more lifting than was smart. Took almost 4 hours, but were back now.

I smoked 2 Alpha Skunk Cheese before we left, and now, I'm smoking Donnie Burger. A kick in the head should be good. It's almost 9, and I've got to get an appetite so I can eat and get ready for bed. Got another Donnie Burger rolled and ready just in case lol.

Have a great night everyone :)


Man, anyone holding on to some Donnie Burger, run it! I noticed a few things about it, and when I do run it again, I'd really like to breed it.

It's a very strange looking plant in structure; I had two outside, and they both had just the weirdest looking branching. The male had to go, but the female was really similar in structure. The bud production wasn't huge, but very respectable in size. The thing that stands out, other than the amazing smell and taste, is the potency!

This stuff is actually hard to get lit right when you light one up, and it feels like chunks of hash in the joint. Burns like it too, which makes it hard to stay lit if you don't hit it a lot.

You have to squeeze the joint sometime, to get air through, because it's a sticky dense mess, rolled into a joint.

I've got F5s of this from M48, and man he did a great job selecting on this. I really am loving this one. I really think the world needs a new Cheese Burger lol, because apparently that name is in use already, but I can always BX it into another Cheese, and call it Double Cheeseburger right? Haha.

Man, with the bacon like terps Critical Hog had, I could do Bacon Cheeseburger.... oh shit... yeah!


pHeno pHisher
It’s a generational thing it seems…I brush up against this at times with one of mine…

Humbly he admits deep down he just wants a victims attention..he corrects it, but he is still young.

Social Media is a f’d up thing…there is no real use for it.
Couldn’t agree more about the generational thing . Another annoying aspect is many will fuel the fire by agreeing or encouraging them giving them the sense it’s justified without often even knowing the person in the bullseye . It’s why I avoid FB and the rest of the bullshit . It’s trashy and offers very little substance. I tolerate and engage with Instagram only because I love the images shared and enjoy photography which it caters for more but still allows trash at times to filter through . Just my thoughts but as I’ve said before , we seem to lack the class and decency in the world today that once was .
I used to love sitting and listening to the stories of our old war veterans when they were still alive . They had true class and genuine care for each other .


Squirrely Seed Scatterer
It’s not a generational thing every generation whines and cries about how they were brought up. We all want to do better than our parents. We all want to better ourselves. True victims don’t want points or sympathy or to even talk about it. Ain’t no joy in reliving the past. I’m a millennial if that helps at all.


In Bloom
Man, anyone holding on to some Donnie Burger, run it! I noticed a few things about it, and when I do run it again, I'd really like to breed it.

It's a very strange looking plant in structure; I had two outside, and they both had just the weirdest looking branching. The male had to go, but the female was really similar in structure. The bud production wasn't huge, but very respectable in size. The thing that stands out, other than the amazing smell and taste, is the potency!

This stuff is actually hard to get lit right when you light one up, and it feels like chunks of hash in the joint. Burns like it too, which makes it hard to stay lit if you don't hit it a lot.

You have to squeeze the joint sometime, to get air through, because it's a sticky dense mess, rolled into a joint.

I've got F5s of this from M48, and man he did a great job selecting on this. I really am loving this one. I really think the world needs a new Cheese Burger lol, because apparently that name is in use already, but I can always BX it into another Cheese, and call it Double Cheeseburger right? Haha.

Man, with the bacon like terps Critical Hog had, I could do Bacon Cheeseburger.... oh shit... yeah!

Got a pack of Fem's of Donnie Burger landing in the mail today from @M48. I'll be running at least one to start this fall. After his recent message about the freebie he sent I am amped to get to growing it as well. Looks like he was posting here for sometime but hasn't since last year. Seems like a great guy, I look forward to trying the beans!


I grew up in the 80s in Michigan. Essentially, I didn't know there was a "legal drinking age", and if you didn't know how to swim, you got tossed in a pool. My Uncles were dicks at times, but funny.

"Back in my day a Big Mac was 40% larger, and cost 50 cents"... LOL. Now I have my get off my lawn moment.

Got a pack of Fem's of Donnie Burger landing in the mail today from @M48. I'll be running at least one to start this fall. After his recent message about the freebie he sent I am amped to get to growing it as well. Looks like he was posting here for sometime but hasn't since last year. Seems like a great guy, I look forward to trying the beans!

Bro I think you're going to love that! I did in fact finish that second one last night LOL. My back was on fire and my lungs were all pollen and dust collection units for a bit, but boy did I get to sleep. haha.


In Bloom
I hear what you all are saying, everyone makes some good points.
Forums are my only social media. Alot of it is toxic and addictive IMHO. Just my opinion. That isn't real life. It's technology addiction. I've been ranting about it for years, same with politics... but don't get me started there.
I went off on a guy at work when he tried to show me a tiktok video. I don't watch that, period. I may have overreacted but he was insistent that I watch. I did not haha.
I was at the gym this am, it was almost surreal. Im looking around and over half the people are on their phones in between sets. Like they can't go without it....
Let alone the young girl on a video call while barely doing anything. I did my whole workout in the time she did 2 sets of 2 reps on the pull-up dip assisted machine. So ridiculous. She just sat there leaning on it looking like a dumb dumb. Haha. Rant over.


Taste The Spectrum
IPM Forum Moderator
I was supposed to have lunch with my dad today to celebrate his birthday, bad accident closed highway. I wasn't able to go down for lunch. I wasn't looking forward to it, last time I went out with him he treated everyone with disdain. Piercings and tattoos were an automatic, working the cash register at Panera, triple whammy, female fahggetaboutit. Treated the individual with such disrespect I almost stood back and said "nah, this guy's on his own". Had a super awesome convo about how if he wants to choose where he lives when he is needing advanced care he better do it now. Turned into a rant about all the old bitches at his current place and wonders why nobody wants to hang out with him? His brother won't talk to him, he's alienated every friend he's ever had, I'm not aware of one person other than me in his life that has been there for more than 5 years. Just flat out disgusted by how he acts and seeing it now I realize he was this way his whole life, an insecure follower. Sucks being let down by family but I guess I can thank him for showing me what I don't want to be. The other side of the coin I guess?


Squirrely Seed Scatterer
It’s got to suck getting old. Death can’t be easy. Some will fight some will bargain some will even try and run from it. No one knows just how they will react. I spent a lot of time working in residential and skilled care nursing homes not a nurse but I still felt like I wanted to do something to help out when I was younger. I have seen this first hand. We would like to think our brains and bodies will never fail us that we will always have control over our faculties but that’s not always the case. I know its hard to see with the ones so close to us. Wife and I are caring for her parents in their late 70s. Empathy isn’t just for those we love and care about it’s most needed when we don’t want to give it. It’s so easy to divide things in this time of division. Tribalism has won out over community. What tribe do you belong to. Where do you stand. I say this with only love and maybe from a different point of view. Not saying don’t call people on their shit but maybe more like a teacher than a judge.


In Bloom
Saw someone on here making lactobaccilus (if I recall correctly). Made me think about my rain barrels again. It's quite the hassle to keep them clean and relatively sanitized.
Microbiologically building a specific healthy bacteria colony to overcome any other bacteria in the water...
Is microbe-lift Pl plant safe enough to build up a colony in the water? I'm guessing not.
If anyone knows a better product or method here lmk. I've been adding a small amount of dish soap (half tsp per 50 gal) to try to semi sanitize the natural microbiome but it doesn't work that well.
It seems like either sanitizing each barrel or going with the microbiology method are my options.

Fluffy Butt

In Bloom
Saw someone on here making lactobaccilus (if I recall correctly). Made me think about my rain barrels again. It's quite the hassle to keep them clean and relatively sanitized.
Microbiologically building a specific healthy bacteria colony to overcome any other bacteria in the water...
Is microbe-lift Pl plant safe enough to build up a colony in the water? I'm guessing not.
If anyone knows a better product or method here lmk. I've been adding a small amount of dish soap (half tsp per 50 gal) to try to semi sanitize the natural microbiome but it doesn't work that well.
It seems like either sanitizing each barrel or going with the microbiology method are my options.
Southern Ag garden friendly fungicide is what I'd try, basically a more concentrated form of hydroguard. A lot of people use it for their nutrient reservoirs, so it seems like it would work for rain barrels.
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