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Jedi's Junkyard


In Bloom
I'm back, sluts.

I cannot promise that I can do a lot of spend a lot of time here but I hope that doesn't get me banned.

Today's chores:

Planting 7 Grape Stomper x OG seeds gifted to me by M4K of GGG back in 2013-ish.
Planting 10 Romulan seeds from the British Colombia Growers Association via Brother Mendel.

IMG_20200218_095845 - Copy.jpg

Then, some sterile work. I turned 9 of these tubes:

signal-2020-02-18-135644 - Copy.jpg

Into 19 of these tubes:

signal-2020-02-18-135655 - Copy.jpg

Yes, that is me FINALLY cleaning up the Blackwater!


Jesse Loves 2 Grow
Staff member
Q-36 Space Modulator
I'm back, sluts.

I cannot promise that I can do a lot of spend a lot of time here but I hope that doesn't get me banned.

Today's chores:

Planting 7 Grape Stomper x OG seeds gifted to me by M4K of GGG back in 2013-ish.
Planting 10 Romulan seeds from the British Colombia Growers Association via Brother Mendel.

View attachment 926

Then, some sterile work. I turned 9 of these tubes:

View attachment 924

Into 19 of these tubes:

View attachment 925

Yes, that is me FINALLY cleaning up the Blackwater!
Whatever you have time to post will be good to see, Ill be watching. Have been procrastinating on my long awaited attempt at TC. Need to try at some point but have to find a worthy plant first.
Now that's what's up in Jedi land. Soon we will all be trading and storing genetics in tic tac size packs.

Great to have you here. No fuckery, no ban. Pretty simple. You'll have no issues ?
Great to see you here @SCJedi . Like @spyralout said, no fuckery, no bullshit. It’s the place to be. ????
Awesomesauce!!! I was watching and very interested in all the weed science. Friggin good stuff mang.
Seconding the above remarks. This place was made to just grow weed, chill with other cool like minded folks and have a good time.
Simple as that. Id say you've found a nice dang home here.


I'm back, sluts.

I cannot promise that I can do a lot of spend a lot of time here but I hope that doesn't get me banned.

Today's chores:

Planting 7 Grape Stomper x OG seeds gifted to me by M4K of GGG back in 2013-ish.
Planting 10 Romulan seeds from the British Colombia Growers Association via Brother Mendel.

Then, some sterile work. I turned 9 of these tubes:

View attachment 924

Into 19 of these tubes:

View attachment 925

Yes, that is me FINALLY cleaning up the Blackwater!
I look forward to following....but what are the test tubes for? Pollen? I’m really intrigued and feeling stupid for having to ask.


Jesse Loves 2 Grow
Staff member
Q-36 Space Modulator
I look forward to following....but what are the test tubes for? Pollen? I’m really intrigued and feeling stupid for having to ask.
Don't feel stupid for having to ask mang. I first saw what sc had going on awhile back and was "whoa, what's this going on?" And I've been watching ever since. Lol.

Tissue culture and the fact that he pulls it off is something in itself. Awesome stuff.
Yep, and it's some cool ass science.
Really interesting stuff.


In Bloom
The idea behind plant tissue culture micropropagation is to understand a few basic concepts. First, is that cannabis is totipotent. This means that a single, intact cannabis cell can recreate the exact plant that it came from. Yes, in its entirety. It is basically cloning on a cellular level. Put a cell or small group of cells into a recipe and grow what ya want!

Second, the process of micropropagation is comprised of 4 stages. Explant initiation, multiplication, rooting and acclimation.

Third, each stage is performed in vitro in a sterile environment (with the exception of the latter where you break the seal and begin to expose it to a controlled environment) and is performed using a specialized media that contains all of the nutrients and vitamins a plant needs to grow. It also contains sugar, plant growth hormones (pgr), water, and a gelling agent like agar agar to give it rigidity to support a plant without roots. There are other secret sauce compounds folks add to prevent abnormalities but I won't cover that here.

Fourth, there are two basic classes of growth hormones used in combinations in these stages to induce a specific type of growth of the plant, auxins and cytokinins. These grow roots and shoots, respectively, but typically in some specialized ratios

Without going into an incredible amount of detail the test tubes pictured above are what I am calling Subculture 1. I initiated them by cleaning excised explants to sterilize them, rinsing them off with sterile water, and placed them into tubes filled with multiplication media. This is all done in a completely sterile environment. One spore and it is garbage!

Once these multiplied from 1/31-2/18 I pulled each plant out and cut it up into pieces. I discarded older, original plant material and re-initiated the newest growth material only

The idea is that if I keep subculturing the newest plant material that has only lived in a sterile environment that I am removing pests and diseases* and re-invigorating the plant closer to its original seed state. Therefore, I will make a Subculture 2, and a Subculture 3, before I initiate rooting.

The * is where I say "diseases." Performing nodal micropropagation by no means guarantees the removal of some nefarious ghoulies. There are viruses that ride up and down a plants vascular system and the only way to remove them is to use extreme precision and an inverted microscope to remove the apical meristem dome that is such new growth that it is theoretically not tied into the plants vascular system yet. I am talking about culturing a structure that is about the size of the tip of a pin. There are times when it may take 45 days for you to even recognize that its growing at all.

Anyway, I am happy to answer questions and in a short amount of time will be offering a mail-in TC service for a fee for those interested.

That's it in a nutshell, test tube, baby food jar, Magenta box, or deli container, your choice.


Staff member
Excellent Synergy Synopsis. Thank you for that.

- when you say PGR is that "regulator" as in Paclo? Or is it something like GA3?
- "grow what you want" - meaning - mixing cells from different strains and do the cross in vitro?
- storage - what and where do you store them in? Expiration? Can storage vessels be transported easily and long (time) distances?


In Bloom
Excellent Synergy Synopsis. Thank you for that.

- when you say PGR is that "regulator" as in Paclo? Or is it something like GA3?
- "grow what you want" - meaning - mixing cells from different strains and do the cross in vitro?
- storage - what and where do you store them in? Expiration? Can storage vessels be transported easily and long (time) distances?

IAA, NAA, BAP, TDZ, GA3, m-top, etc

No modifying genes here (yet). Grow want you want means from a small cluster of cells you could theoretically just grow a clump of roots if that was your thing. There are ways to culture loose callus cells in solution but I'm not knowledgeable enough about callus yet. Ask again in May. I will also have the ability to test gender from seedling tissue at that point too.

Cultures take on different forms. You can make callus tissue sit or a form of stasis for maybe 6 months? Of course you can also chill any of the processes and slow them waaay down.

Depending on the stage I store in different containers. Initiation is a test tube. If successful I'll use a larger jar or box for multiplication. Especially if I'm looking for exponential increases in plant counts. If you hand me a plant and tell me that you want, say, 5000 a week, I have to use boxes for exponential growth.

If I sent someone a 25mm x 150mm capped test tube (about the size of a cigar) that contained an unrooted plant you could really throw it around without knocking much loose as long as the gel holds.


In Bloom


Staff member
IAA, NAA, BAP, TDZ, GA3, m-top, etc

No modifying genes here (yet). Grow want you want means from a small cluster of cells you could theoretically just grow a clump of roots if that was your thing. There are ways to culture loose callus cells in solution but I'm not knowledgeable enough about callus yet. Ask again in May. I will also have the ability to test gender from seedling tissue at that point too.

Cultures take on different forms. You can make callus tissue sit or a form of stasis for maybe 6 months? Of course you can also chill any of the processes and slow them waaay down.

Depending on the stage I store in different containers. Initiation is a test tube. If successful I'll use a larger jar or box for multiplication. Especially if I'm looking for exponential increases in plant counts. If you hand me a plant and tell me that you want, say, 5000 a week, I have to use boxes for exponential growth.

If I sent someone a 25mm x 150mm capped test tube (about the size of a cigar) that contained an unrooted plant you could really throw it around without knocking much loose as long as the gel holds.
This reminds me of some stuff I read a few months ago. Some folks were trying to "clone" by using DWC roots and side shoots, throwing them down in a wet paper towel, and covering them from light. The idea was to grow them like bean sprouts. The project seemed to fade off but it always made me wonder about the feasibility of this method.

Uncle Rom

Dirty Dirt Bandit
Time for a smoke report on the first blackwater x Nigerian sunshine
First off.. oops. Might not have killed that sneaky male soon enough. Oh well
Hint of cinnamon.. good musky kush flavour. Sandalwood, pumpkin pie.
Hits HARD.. I’m halfway through this bowl and I’m uncomfortably high already. Let’s buckle up and carry on.
Aftertaste is pumpkin/butterscotch pie.
I’m grabbing aunt rom to help finish this bowl cause I’m right blasted and we gotta finish this to see the ash.
Aunt Rom couldn’t help. She was trying to act like there are more important things to do than get blasted and review this weed with her ol man. Her loss

Anyways nice white ash. I’m blorsted straight up cross eyed but somehow fairly clear headed. I don’t think this plant here is as indica as the Jedi was hoping for. I like it tho. I’d say 60/40 indica dom where the bodega was sativa dominos.
I’m not going to play like I’m the stoniest stoner in all the land. I can hang or whatever but I smoke exactly half a joint or bowl per hour. Every conscious hour. They call it self medicating.. I call it normal life but a bit less mundane
Anyways a buddy greened me out the other evening off one big dab. Almost killed me the young bastard.
So my tolerance is just hovering chill. I eat 10-20 ml edibles approximately half of the time and just go about my day. Not a ball tripper.
Still.. one small pipe bowl.. it’s taking all I got to not just fuck with my cat.. damn I cut him out.. sorry fella. Your in on the next one. Shit.. smoke report..
I give this smoke 69 thumbs up.
It is sedative but i also feel creative. No desire to be productive.. but if I could do something it would be real cool I bet. I’m mangled.. good day


In Bloom
View attachment 1144
Time for a smoke report on the first blackwater x Nigerian sunshine
View attachment 1145
First off.. oops. Might not have killed that sneaky male soon enough. Oh well
View attachment 1146
Hint of cinnamon.. good musky kush flavour. Sandalwood, pumpkin pie.
Hits HARD.. I’m halfway through this bowl and I’m uncomfortably high already. Let’s buckle up and carry on.
View attachment 1147
Aftertaste is pumpkin/butterscotch pie.
I’m grabbing aunt rom to help finish this bowl cause I’m right blasted and we gotta finish this to see the ash.
View attachment 1149
Aunt Rom couldn’t help. She was trying to act like there are more important things to do than get blasted and review this weed with her ol man. Her loss

Anyways nice white ash. I’m blorsted straight up cross eyed but somehow fairly clear headed. I don’t think this plant here is as indica as the Jedi was hoping for. I like it tho. I’d say 60/40 indica dom where the bodega was sativa dominos.
I’m not going to play like I’m the stoniest stoner in all the land. I can hang or whatever but I smoke exactly half a joint or bowl per hour. Every conscious hour. They call it self medicating.. I call it normal life but a bit less mundane
Anyways a buddy greened me out the other evening off one big dab. Almost killed me the young bastard.
So my tolerance is just hovering chill. I eat 10-20 ml edibles approximately half of the time and just go about my day. Not a ball tripper.
Still.. one small pipe bowl.. it’s taking all I got to not just fuck with my cat.. damn I cut him out.. sorry fella. Your in on the next one. Shit.. smoke report..
I give this smoke 69 thumbs up.
It is sedative but i also feel creative. No desire to be productive.. but if I could do something it would be real cool I bet. I’m mangled.. good day

Nope, this sounds great. That hashy kush flavor and heavy lead behind the eyes is the Blackwater and the uplifting sandalwood is the Nigerian Sunshine. We nailed a great mix of the too!


In Bloom
So there two primary purposes for plant tissue culture (outside of genetic modifications).

The first is to remove items that are considered 'pests'. This includes, but is not limited to, bugs, molds, mildews, and viruses. Different techniques are used to accomplish these, as noted above.

The second is for "micropropagation" which is exactly as it sounds, to clone tiny plants. Lots and lots and lots of tiny plants.

First, I will cover the two primary techniques used to culture tissue, nodal and meristem. There are other ways to create callus, use bioreactors to grow cells in solution but this is all very complicated for folks without a strong grasp on agricultural biotech lab expertise so we will use the K.I.S.S. method.

Nodal tissue culture is very similar to what one would do to take a traditional clone, which for all intents and purposes, is still a tissue culture. When you take a traditional cutting you take a larger part of a branch tip and you propagate the stem tissue ex vitro. In nodal TC you cut a tiny little piece of a node and put that into a culture, in vitro. The idea here is that with a little bit of patience you can take the 50 normal size traditional clones from a mother plant or you can use that same amount of starting material and turn it into 100s of tissue culture "nodal explants". In short, using plant tissue culture you can make exponentially more starts that you can with traditional cuttings. Instead of propagating you are micropropagating.

But wait, it gets better. Let's say that now instead of 50 clones from that mom you have 300 explants. In 30 days you will have 50 plants from those 50 traditional cuttings but from the 300 explants, you will now have 1500 new explants. Under ideal conditions, you should end up with 4x-8x multiplication from each of you initiated nodal explants. Sometimes more, sometimes less, etc.

Nodal explants are a primary way to clone genetics on an exponential factor. You do not need to be a mathematician to see how it works. 4x-9 and each x multiply each time. This is why they call Stage 2 Multiplication. And let's face it, how many of you have the space for 5000 plants? Well, if you have some skeleton racks in your garage you can fit about 1000 in the same place that you might keep one normal size mother plant.

Meristematic tissue culture is a totally different beast with a different desired outcome. It is a similar concept as nodal but instead of putting a piece that includes an axillary node you are taking the very outermost growing tip of the plant, the apical meristem. This is part of the plant that is undergoing to most transformation.


When you excise the meristematic dome you get a cluster of undifferentiated cells that are undergoing such a high rate of cell division that the plant's primary permanent tissue is not tied to it yet. While challenging to perform the benefits are enormous.

While plants can be micropropagated using stem cells it is laborious and time-consuming. The primary advantage of meristem cultures is to remove diseases like viruses. I took this screenshot during a lecture the other day and it really needs NO captioning at all. You can see the stained virus in the vascular system and you can see the meristem dome. Remove the dome and culture it away from the virus and you get a clean mom, period. (By the way, this is a meristem from a grape plant)


Hopefully, this continues to outline the what's and why's of cannabis plant tissue culture.


  • Tissue_culture_as_a_plant_production_system_for_ho.pdf
    126.9 KB · Views: 4


In Bloom
And now for something completely different...

Some of you may or may not recall that I am going through a Bodhi Apollo re-population project. The idea is to re-populate a mix that Bodhi let go of and has no plans to carry nor sell. With his blessing, we move forward.

The cross is Apollo 13 Gorilla Arm Pheno x Apollo 11 Genius Pheno and I dropped seeds to soak on the winter solstice. School mixed stuff up for a spell and they were in solo cups about a week or so too long but they got new shoes a week ago and now that I have graduated it is on like Donkey Kong

I have 9 plants and a runt.

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