To trip or to wait & effects of branch breeding on total THC

Hello mellows
I was wondering what thoughts were on timing tripping plants for breeding.
I have a bunch of mature plants and am ready to trip them but this is my first time breeding naturally using regular seeds grown at the same time.
I have 23 plants and by sight I’m able to tell which are male (10) and which are female (13)
I’ve separated the males for selection to their own space but am not sure if I should trip them together or give the males a head start? By a week or so?
A second question: as I plan to do some selective seeding of branches using different pollen, if I left a few branches unpollinated, would the THC and other active compound content of those not pollinated branches produce less active compounds than on a plant left completely unpollinated?
I’ve backed up the plants in hopes that I can select the ones I enjoy most but don’t want to throw off my judgement by messing with the compound content.
If that were the case I would just run the ladies for optimal product and collect the pollen for the next round of flowering the backups.
Any tips?
All but one of the males are showing some small signs of pollen sacs. With one showing one complete sac and another that has dozens of maturing sacs even at 18/6. Would I assume that to mean he’s a very vigorous breeder?
Hello mellows
I was wondering what thoughts were on timing tripping plants for breeding.
I have a bunch of mature plants and am ready to trip them but this is my first time breeding naturally using regular seeds grown at the same time.
I have 23 plants and by sight I’m able to tell which are male (10) and which are female (13)
I’ve separated the males for selection to their own space but am not sure if I should trip them together or give the males a head start? By a week or so?
In typical male fashion, the male will finish before the females :ROFLMAO:
Kidding aside, Those boys will do just fine pollenating the flowers of the females if flipped at the same time. Im sure it will also be much easier to do in one shabang all at the same time vs trying to let one group of plants flower before the other etc.

A second question: as I plan to do some selective seeding of branches using different pollen, if I left a few branches unpollinated, would the THC and other active compound content of those not pollinated branches produce less active compounds than on a plant left completely unpollinated?
I’ve backed up the plants in hopes that I can select the ones I enjoy most but don’t want to throw off my judgement by messing with the compound content.
If that were the case I would just run the ladies for optimal product and collect the pollen for the next round of flowering the backups.
Any tips?
All but one of the males are showing some small signs of pollen sacs. With one showing one complete sac and another that has dozens of maturing sacs even at 18/6. Would I assume that to mean he’s a very vigorous breeder?
im not sure how you are going to be pollenating (whther by doing an open pollenation or collecting pollen and applying it to the females manually) but you likely will not have any control over "unpollenated" branches unless hardcore measures are made to make sure they remain unpollenated.

As for the potency of a bud when it is seeded, -I feel its honestly a coin toss but I will share my experience with this and say I've noticed that sometimes seeded flowers will have hindered production/terps/size etc and somethimes it dont miss a beat......
This is one of those times it didnt miss a beat:
GG4 bud MJ fem seeds.jpg

All but one of the males are showing some small signs of pollen sacs. With one showing one complete sac and another that has dozens of maturing sacs even at 18/6. Would I assume that to mean he’s a very vigorous breeder?
I would think it may just be leaning more to its ruderalis genes if it is flowering in 18/6 lighting.
As Red mentioned, even with selective branch pollination, seeds will likely appear here and there. Pollen is lightweight and virulent. You can take precautions to mitigate the orgy, but remember,,, The pollen has it's own agenda, and has been preparing for that moment for millennia.

Some looking for a sync'd O. will give the girls a head start.
or give the males a head start? By a week or so
Many would say the opposite. Male flowers will produce in a week or two. ( ,,sooner, as you can attest) Premilt can seed preflowers under 24/7 light.
Female flowers are more abundant and very receptive after 3 weeks of flower.
@Buck5050 and @Schwaggy P have produced very readable material on the subject.

If you intend to strictly collect pollen this time around,,,separate and compartmentalize the two gardens in your mind. They are doing their own thing now.

Allow me to speak philosophically about that eager to produce male plant ( and perhaps digress into crudeness.)
We are ultimately looking to produce plants with offspring with features that we admire.
Have you ever found someone to be attractive because their father was an immediate ejaculator ?
Is that a feature that would benefit our offspring ?
,,,Perhaps, in a setting of natural selection. We are not necessarily interested in natural selection. I don't necessarily want offspring focused only on quick regeneration.
I am looking for a little bit of unnatural selection.

Perhaps I am looking for an unnaturally top-heavy dark one, with a surefire habit of over secretions. She hits forty and that bottom end swells up to unnatural proportions.
I mean,, they are out there and some people are into that.

You didn't ask, it just kinda spooled out.

Males ultimately need to be proven, so there will be some trail and error. ,,, because if everything was awesome nothing would suck !!!!
Don't swing at the first pitch.
That is my two cents.
give the males a head start? By a week or so?

I found that the best results for seed making is done by keeping things natural as possible. Let them start their flower cycles together.

second question: as I plan to do some selective seeding of branches using different pollen, if I left a few branches unpollinated, would the THC and other active compound content of those not pollinated branches produce less active compounds than on a plant left completely unpollinated?
This is an interesting thought and most likely
possible. For me, it's been negligible. I personally don't think you will be missing out on anything drastic that would cause a misinterpretation of what is good and what is not.

I found that the best results for seed making is done by keeping things natural as possible. Let them start their flower cycles together.

This is an interesting thought and most likely
possible. For me, it's been negligible. I personally don't think you will be missing out on anything drastic that would cause a misinterpretation of what is good and what is not.
I've contemplated starting males early but the more I think about it, it's gotta be same time .
I've contemplated starting males early but the more I think about it, it's gotta be same time .
Males do their thing at warp speed in comparison to everything else with the growth rate of cannabis.

I do however want to reiterate that giving a male a few days to mature in flower does solidify the viability of his pollen. At one point I thought I was going to cut a fat hog and harvest pollen pre-maturely to save myself from seeding flower. Harvested fat bulbous male flowers, crushed and removed the yellow dust. Axed the male and did the sprinkle sprinkle shake shake over them sparkly white pistils only to sit and wonder. In the end, not one seed, even though everything else looked legit. Pollen maturity is a thing but it only takes days not weeks.
Great food for thought, thanks all, I will check out posts by those guys and see what I can learn, I plan on making more selective breeding choices on the backup end once I know more about these plants, I just wanted to give myself some seed stock from them this time around in case something goes wrong and I loose one pheno. I’m playing around with a few reversed females using CS at the same time as using the reg pollen from the males. So it will probably be a bit of a shit show and throw but I’m not rolling in dough so need to take actions to make future breeding as cheap for me as possible. After I make this round of seeds I’ll be searching through them for years to pheno hunt so that’s when the fun begins. Glad to see and share what comes of it.

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