There seems to be lotsa contradiction online. When to water? How much to water? Runoff or not? Always moist or dry/ wet cycle? How dry? Lift pot? Top inch bone dry? Feel bottom of pot? Wait for droop?
As you can see, its pretty confusing with some saying one thing and others saying another.
I've seen amazing grows by awesome growers on here. You guys seem to rock every grow even if blindfolded lol.
Can anyone share their best watering practice? Set the record straight once and for all? Teach a growmie how to properly water his plants?
I grow in 5gal and 10gal fabric pots with my own soil mix.
As you can see, its pretty confusing with some saying one thing and others saying another.
I've seen amazing grows by awesome growers on here. You guys seem to rock every grow even if blindfolded lol.
Can anyone share their best watering practice? Set the record straight once and for all? Teach a growmie how to properly water his plants?
I grow in 5gal and 10gal fabric pots with my own soil mix.