Who loves fishing ?

Great thread! I've been thinking about starting this one, so I'm very glad you did.

That looks like a great trip. The big one looks cod-ish, but the others are unfamiliar to me. They sure look tasty though.
Years back, I asked my father when he started taking me fishing. He looked at me like I was an idiot, like it was the most obvious, unnecessary question ever asked. "When you could walk" was his reply.

I don't remember a time in my life when I wasn't a fishing fool. Lakes, rivers, small creeks, anywhere that might have a chance of holding fish will grab my attention. I love ice fishing just as much as soft water fishing. While I'm always trying to up my personal bests, I can happily catch and release pan-fish all day long.

In my province, there is not a lot of water compared to either of our neighbors in BC or Saskatchewan, and we have a proportionally large ratio of people to water, so there are not a lot of harvest opportunities unless you get away from the large centers. One of the main influencing factors in my upcoming move is better access to fishing opportunities.

Looking forward to seeing where this thread goes. (y)
One more, of a decent pike. No stretching to the camera here for forced perspective;), just me trying not to take a shitkicking from this girl if she got loose in the boat.

good pike.jpg

Despite the bit of blood, she swam away strongly to keep contributing to the gene pool. :)
Great thread! I've been thinking about starting this one, so I'm very glad you did.

That looks like a great trip. The big one looks cod-ish, but the others are unfamiliar to me. They sure look tasty though.
Years back, I asked my father when he started taking me fishing. He looked at me like I was an idiot, like it was the most obvious, unnecessary question ever asked. "When you could walk" was his reply.

I don't remember a time in my life when I wasn't a fishing fool. Lakes, rivers, small creeks, anywhere that might have a chance of holding fish will grab my attention. I love ice fishing just as much as soft water fishing. While I'm always trying to up my personal bests, I can happily catch and release pan-fish all day long.

In my province, there is not a lot of water compared to either of our neighbors in BC or Saskatchewan, and we have a proportionally large ratio of people to water, so there are not a lot of harvest opportunities unless you get away from the large centers. One of the main influencing factors in my upcoming move is better access to fishing opportunities.

Looking forward to seeing where this thread goes. (y)
It’s super cool to me see other fishers from around the world and the different species we all target . That bigger fish I landed was actually a Flathead . I was targeting the smaller species you can see called yellowfin whiting and he smashed the small hook . I virtually walked him into the shallows without raising him out of the water then rode him in on a shore break wave onto the sand so the hook didn’t pull out . I’d love to try freshwater some day . All I’ve done is saltwater fish and fresh is a whole new world
I wanna go catch some pike! Such dummies hehe!
The little guys are dumb and aggressive, so much fun. Pike fishing from a belly boat is a blast. I recall one time letting out about 20 inches of line and just rotating in place with my rod extended and a spoon in the water. I had 3 small jack taking runs at it before nailing one.
(not me, or my photo, just an example of a belly boat for those who may not know)

Once they get bigger than about 10 pounds though, pike start getting pretty smart. They are so strong and fast, too. I keep waiting to hook into a hawg from the belly boat so I can go water skiing. ;)
The little guys are dumb and aggressive, so much fun. Pike fishing from a belly boat is a blast. I recall one time letting out about 20 inches of line and just rotating in place with my rod extended and a spoon in the water. I had 3 small jack taking runs at it before nailing one.
(not me, or my photo, just an example of a belly boat for those who may not know)

Once they get bigger than about 10 pounds though, pike start getting pretty smart. They are so strong and fast, too. I keep waiting to hook into a hawg from the belly boat so I can go water skiing. ;)
Belly boat ?. No disrespect ........ oh ok maybe a bit but that looks hilarious . Can you mount a 5 horsepower to the back ?
Belly boat ?. No disrespect ........ oh ok maybe a bit but that looks hilarious . Can you mount a 5 horsepower to the back ?
Come on float tube are kool..there's a lot of places you can use them ..where a boat can't get...
Belly boat ?. No disrespect ........ oh ok maybe a bit but that looks hilarious . Can you mount a 5 horsepower to the back ?
Motor? We doan need no steenkin motor!

Flippers on yer feet, lad. ;)

One of the first times I took it out, many years ago, I was still learning how to inflate it properly. A tube will lose some pressure when it hits cold water, but as you are generally paddling quietly around, it isn't a big deal if you are a little underinflated.

On this day, a lighting storm rolled in. When you are near the Rockies, storms come in fast through the passes, and I was caught in the middle of the lake holding a 9 foot long lighting rod.? I started kicking for the nearest land, kicking for all I was worth in my soft, mushy, low-in-the-water craft. I made it in safely, but my legs were jelly and I could barely walk for a week.

Lesson learned.
@Ramjet159 A brief rundown for you and other salties that may not be familiar.

For small personal watercraft, belly boats are cool because you are right down in the water. They are ultra stealthy and ultra portable. You can take one to hike-in lakes and reach water otherwise unfishable. They are relatively cheap and easy to store

Pontoon boats are a little different. You sit out of the water and have oars(and the option for a small motor), but still have flippers for fine movements. You can cover more water, but lose some stealth and portability. Some of these get pretty fancy and stupidly expensive, but there are more affordable options.

Here's my view from the seat of my old pontoon boat with a pike coming up underneath. It can get a little nerve wracking when teeth and hooks are thrashing around near your balls, but it is exciting. :punkrocker:


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