I quit smoking cigarettes & my buzz is better


In Bloom
I quit smoking cigarettes on the last day of the year. I had been a 22 year smoker with only a short stint of not smoking during that time. Here are a few things I've noticed since quitting relating to my cannabis use-
•The high you experiece is changed greatly by that first cig you smoke after burning one. The high is much more "active" and pronounced if you abstain from tobacco. The urge to constantly smoke herb has lessened since I'm not putting a stimulant into my body that I'm trying to counteract.
•The more delicate and "fragile" terpenes have become more noticeable which will greatly help in selecting phenos & taste testing bud. How many 1 in 1000000s have been culled because the breeder could only smell lemons & Marlboros and missed the burned rubber or garlic undertones?
•I don't have to worry as much about spreading any tobacco borne viruses to my plants.
•I have an extra $55 a week to spend on my hobby plus lower insurance in the future.

My biggest concern now is how to cover up the smell- I don't have a tobacco cover scent anymore!
Congratulations, brother! Better tasting weed and a better high are only the beginning of the benefits of turfing that nasty tobacco shit. You just extended your life by years and increased the quality of that life. (y)(y)(y)

I'm still amazed at the subtleties in flavour in food and beverage and of course weed, that I can appreciate after stopping tobacco use, and I quit around 2004.
I quit smoking cigarettes on the last day of the year. I had been a 22 year smoker with only a short stint of not smoking during that time. Here are a few things I've noticed since quitting relating to my cannabis use-
•The high you experiece is changed greatly by that first cig you smoke after burning one. The high is much more "active" and pronounced if you abstain from tobacco. The urge to constantly smoke herb has lessened since I'm not putting a stimulant into my body that I'm trying to counteract.
•The more delicate and "fragile" terpenes have become more noticeable which will greatly help in selecting phenos & taste testing bud. How many 1 in 1000000s have been culled because the breeder could only smell lemons & Marlboros and missed the burned rubber or garlic undertones?
•I don't have to worry as much about spreading any tobacco borne viruses to my plants.
•I have an extra $55 a week to spend on my hobby plus lower insurance in the future.

My biggest concern now is how to cover up the smell- I don't have a tobacco cover scent anymore!
Right on man! I hope you can make it stick. I think the worst part of quitting is that now, all your friends that smoke.... STINK:skunk::skunk:
First off, CONGRATU-FUCKING-LATIONS!!! I still have 0 doubt in my mind that quitting cigarettes and tobacco was the BEST thing I have yet done for myself. Now, now only are you going to be given a new sense of taste and smell, you're essentially getting PAID to do it! Seriously, everything is going to be an improvement. Really brightens my day every time I learn somebody has kicked tobacco/nicotine addiction, or is on the path working on it. What a fucking vile, evil industry. Stick with it, i'm always available to chat if you need to reach out about anything. and again, congratulations on one of the best decisions you have ever made.

oh yeah I never knew my grandpas cause they both died from lung/heart diseases from being heavy smokers way too young. That shit sucks. I heard they were cool. Be around for the people who think you're cool.
I quit smoking cigarettes on the last day of the year. I had been a 22 year smoker with only a short stint of not smoking during that time. Here are a few things I've noticed since quitting relating to my cannabis use-
•The high you experiece is changed greatly by that first cig you smoke after burning one. The high is much more "active" and pronounced if you abstain from tobacco. The urge to constantly smoke herb has lessened since I'm not putting a stimulant into my body that I'm trying to counteract.
•The more delicate and "fragile" terpenes have become more noticeable which will greatly help in selecting phenos & taste testing bud. How many 1 in 1000000s have been culled because the breeder could only smell lemons & Marlboros and missed the burned rubber or garlic undertones?
•I don't have to worry as much about spreading any tobacco borne viruses to my plants.
•I have an extra $55 a week to spend on my hobby plus lower insurance in the future.

My biggest concern now is how to cover up the smell- I don't have a tobacco cover scent anymore!
Congrats,? hopefully I am close behind you , been readyto quit for a bit .
Congratulations sir thats awesome and definitely rough I've made it several months in but broke every time, I'm just too easily set off and its my hardwired go to, been having an odd urge to try a few micro doses of shrooms, I've been reading on it and it shows a lot of promise in helping with addictions, gotta do something paying to die young just isn't good business ???
Damn...thank you all for the support!!! I tapered off slowly from about a pack and a half this time last year, to just a couple a day by the end of December. Smoking stale cigs from a pack that has been open over a week seemed to be the kick in the ass I needed to just give it up.
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