my name is sparechange and I'm a cannaholic



hey, y'all.
I'm into multiple strain cannabis oil cocktail research.
I'm trying to get my lovely g, off her opioid addiction, poison...
in the meantime, i have a lil extra pot... and i volunteer with veterans, working on their ailments and homes, leaning construction and how to break shyt... learning about lives and where we come from and sharing the pain and problems of the ailing n sick.
happy to b of service. y'all pay me, to sit around all day and get high, anyway. well... your broken bones n broken homes, are getting me into shapey...
as of September 1st, 2019, i am opioid poison free, down from 337+ pounds, after a decade on my back... to 250ish. actually had the munchies, lately so more cbd and i ain't lookin, til the jeans loosen up, again. withdrawal free... pain lvl where i dictate... all, thanks to rick Simpson's, altruistic coattails... and i do it, via multiple strain cocktails, at a fraction of the cost.
his diet: $60 a day, at my local clinics. the cocktails, that same pound per quarter: 16.5 cents per day; 66+yrs... y would we not.
recreationally speaking, they r the most intense highs, I've ever felt, again... at a fraction of the cost; y would we not...
terps are all good for us... y would we not include them all, in every drop? good name: phoenix teardrops...
targeting a symptom? need a night, or day version? i can choose whether to pass out, or tweak out on these cocktails. seeking a specific effect from a particular cannabinoid? y not... in every drop... have everything ur lookin for, for one stop potshopping, needz?! in every
droplet... so to speak...
quit chasing symptoms n strainz... throw it all in.
this gets us around overregulation and names like cat piss, in Walgreens... Phoenix teardrops... affording mr Simpson the cred he and mrs Simpson, are due...
please, if u like ur experiments... link me to ur poop.
i have difficulty following threads n reading responses n pm/s... I'll get to em, but they freak out my crazy. i have a tendency to tangent, go off topic n freak out so please, b patient. know that I'm not tryin to jack anyone's threadz and will do my best, to keep to my corner.


Staff member
welcome @SPARECHANGE. Glad to hear that you've been clean for that long, a year is just around the corner and it's going to be that much more sweet when you achieve that milestone. Cannabis being a major contributor in your success, speaks volumes of its many benefits.
I'm sure I'll see you around in the threads. Enjoy (y)


In Bloom
hey, y'all.
I'm into multiple strain cannabis oil cocktail research.
I'm trying to get my lovely g, off her opioid addiction, poison...
in the meantime, i have a lil extra pot... and i volunteer with veterans, working on their ailments and homes, leaning construction and how to break shyt... learning about lives and where we come from and sharing the pain and problems of the ailing n sick.
happy to b of service. y'all pay me, to sit around all day and get high, anyway. well... your broken bones n broken homes, are getting me into shapey...
as of September 1st, 2019, i am opioid poison free, down from 337+ pounds, after a decade on my back... to 250ish. actually had the munchies, lately so more cbd and i ain't lookin, til the jeans loosen up, again. withdrawal free... pain lvl where i dictate... all, thanks to rick Simpson's, altruistic coattails... and i do it, via multiple strain cocktails, at a fraction of the cost.
his diet: $60 a day, at my local clinics. the cocktails, that same pound per quarter: 16.5 cents per day; 66+yrs... y would we not.
recreationally speaking, they r the most intense highs, I've ever felt, again... at a fraction of the cost; y would we not...
terps are all good for us... y would we not include them all, in every drop? good name: phoenix teardrops...
targeting a symptom? need a night, or day version? i can choose whether to pass out, or tweak out on these cocktails. seeking a specific effect from a particular cannabinoid? y not... in every drop... have everything ur lookin for, for one stop potshopping, needz?! in every
droplet... so to speak...
quit chasing symptoms n strainz... throw it all in.
this gets us around overregulation and names like cat piss, in Walgreens... Phoenix teardrops... affording mr Simpson the cred he and mrs Simpson, are due...
please, if u like ur experiments... link me to ur poop.
i have difficulty following threads n reading responses n pm/s... I'll get to em, but they freak out my crazy. i have a tendency to tangent, go off topic n freak out so please, b patient. know that I'm not tryin to jack anyone's threadz and will do my best, to keep to my corner.
Now I can get lost in both places


Welcome brother. Happy to see you around... sEnD nUdEz AsAp
don't look at the paint job...
i am not responsible for the colors, or the paintjob. if i paint it, the house will break.
didn't know if u wanted bporn, or meporn so ask... and u shall receive.
there's the before and after opioid poison, fat man's belly.
I'll start a journal n link it. battery f'n dying. ya got me all primed to freak out, on 3 pot sites plus, jman.

so this week
we learned
the 6 day cycle is bullshit, if it's strong enough.
we can go above 212°, distilling; keeping it 240 & under...
oil, makes a 2nd degree sunburn, moot; cept for the itchies
and we goin try to circumvent the liver functionality, by way of making cocaine of Lebanese blonde n basically, negating the argument between terps in... not in... dry ice kief, when we use the same microns for bubble n dry... and the frozen water molecules, won't puncture the thc molecule... using a solvent vs water and ice, for the bubble hash... and in liquefying the entire thc molecule, using the buchner funnel, to remove its wax stilts... that neither bubble, nor dry ice does... separating em out... letting the solvent ambient air evap off... well... i feel like i might b onto something, here, with a new, yet not... delivery system and without the further heat degradation, of 190+°f, stilling off, adds to the picnic. I've scoped the oops spills, before.


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there ya go

ten pic limit... come on, fellaz ... I ??
think i left an example of y we all try to clone autos, when we shouldn't.
and of course- the phallic bud, entry.
i grow aeroponically. i stopped counting, at 20... like all of us- it would've been alot cheaper, if I'd known... many things i didn't and could've had a significantly shinier setup, for less.


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so i left a cover off one of the empty reservoirs, yesterday... noted the 3 gallon puddle... from the overspray, but it clearly took the rh up so i double checked the cords... changed uncovered, locale... and said fuck it to using ro in the humidifier... I'll probably have brown algae and black mould, now, but I'm trying not to have to fill the humidifier, twice. I'm fucking retarded stubborn n lazy.
yeah, it's at 40, already. my evil plan, is working. in takin the pic, i discovered "somebody", forgot to turn the humidifier back on so... good lookin out, on the noodie pic, jag.
i gotta get me some of these cbg strainz!!! burned haze says great for the mental department. I'm checking with 420's, sweet sue, to c what she knows about it. if she doesn't, she'll know somebody who does.
if u guys know anything about cbg, I'm just now hearing about it. love to hear what you've learned.


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Reading your threads are like walking through a psychedelic tunnel (in a good way)
It is good to see you here brother! I love your threads, but I must admit, I can never keep up. I read everything as fast as I possibly can and get so close to catching up and the next day I realize I am 35 pages behind again. I truly appreciate your vibes and what you do for others. I might just use your nude for my next avatar haha. Positive vibes...



awe, thank you

yeah, there was a red hot chili peppers towel in that shot... wasn't intended to b austin powers dirty

thanks for allowing it

i hope to inspire

not upset the cannabis cart

so thanks for the welcome and

compassionate, understanding.

I'll work hard for u bastages in triage, once i find the setting... gotta do it, myself, or i won't learn a thing.
i get so much more than i give to these sites...: such a privilege.

but sometimes, lose my marbles so will do my best, to keep to my lane n keep my cool, as I'm sure it'll continue to progress; schizophrenia- i believe it's a parting gift, from legitimate, long term opioid use, but found nothing, in mild readings, about a correlation.
anyway, thank you, again


Staff member
awe, thank you

yeah, there was a red hot chili peppers towel in that shot... wasn't intended to b austin powers dirty

thanks for allowing it

i hope to inspire

not upset the cannabis cart

so thanks for the welcome and

compassionate, understanding.

I'll work hard for u bastages in triage, once i find the setting... gotta do it, myself, or i won't learn a thing.
i get so much more than i give to these sites...: such a privilege.

but sometimes, lose my marbles so will do my best, to keep to my lane n keep my cool, as I'm sure it'll continue to progress; schizophrenia- i believe it's a parting gift, from legitimate, long term opioid use, but found nothing, in mild readings, about a correlation.
anyway, thank you, again
Sparechange - I wholeheartedly endorse Red's sentiment. Belly shots n all. No perv shit tho lol. This is the type of stuff that we can all relate to. Whether we're "fat" or "skinny" or whatever society tends to tag us. But we're all in this journey together that we call "life" whatever it means. And if it means we gotta find ways to cope, deal, whatever...let's do it. Together.

We gotchu buddy. Schiz or not. Many of us can relate to one mental illness or another. I can tell you are not the malicious kind. You want to help, while you are being helped. That is rare, because often times, it's GIMME GIMME GIMME.

Let's take this to your journal, because you have a lot to say, and I'm sure a lot of ppl will chime back in. You have a LOT of thoughts and energy up there. Let's harness it and make it work like an oiled machine.

OUR forum is self governing for the most part. The guys step in when needed, but it's far and few between.

Don't worry if you cross the line one of us will check ya ?


@SPARECHANGE You deserve a spot to set up shop. No sense in reposting, you ok with me moving this into grow journals? I can change title if you want too.
entirely up to you. i started one, if you'd prefer to close. entirely your call. no preference. ty, for askin. very cool. i missed the msg, all day. sorry bout that.


thank you


thanks for the depressing wisdom. ain't even had my coffee, yet.

appreciate the sentiment; just bein a smartass. long enough in the tooth to appreciate the welcome. short enough in the teeth, to still give u shyt about it. ?
hey, anything to b of service, or just sharing the observations... love doin my best to contribute to the advancements of grass tech.
u know, if silicon valley can start on a garage budget... we can make miracles in tents n closets, can we not...
thank you, again

one hit for you





fuck it

let's rock

it going to b a metal morning, i believe

i may just put the rest in maiden's hands

oh... i think I'm going to accidentally break alot of shyt, today

Frou Frou-Let Go LYRICS

Moonchild (2015 Remaster)

oh yeah

this is happening

Scorpins - Rock You Like A Hurricane

i have lost my shit
dunno what why

Don Dokken - YouTube

Judas Priest - Painkiller full album - YouTube


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