The Misadventures of Captain Sternn in the Cannaverse

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
So, I guess you like to 'hang' in the shop? Noice!

When we got the place we shoved the shed full of stuff and proceeded to drag more stuff home and shove in there. It's a mess but it's a dream of mine to get it all squared away. I do enjoy hanging out in a shop or man cave, if I ever get it organized enough I'll put a barrel stove or something out there for year round fun.

Captain Sternn

In Bloom

I chopped the last 2, the Hindu Kush's, this morning. It's supposed to rain later with more coming over the next few days, it's October 25th, and I just couldn't see thew point in waiting around any longer. They've been ready for a few days I was just letting them grow a bit more but at this point the benefit in that was gone.

So I have some things that need my attention but I'll probably be back in here on the weekend when it's raining with something to share. ✌️



I chopped the last 2, the Hindu Kush's, this morning. It's supposed to rain later with more coming over the next few days, it's October 25th, and I just couldn't see thew point in waiting around any longer. They've been ready for a few days I was just letting them grow a bit more but at this point the benefit in that was gone.

So I have some things that need my attention but I'll probably be back in here on the weekend when it's raining with something to share. ✌️

Glad they made it bro :) I finished chopping a few plants myself this weekend, and I still have some out there, but, Hoping for the best :)

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
I went at it hard all day yesterday working to get our place set for winter and because of the need to make space in the shed for things we put away until spring, and the desire to get that freakin' shed straightened up, I spent quite a bit of time working out there but it's a long way from pic ready. What I do have done made a definite improvement and left me with a spot to sit and chill and I used that space to break the FSRB and Durban down to branches which I then took to the trim shack and hung up for some more drying time.

They aren't dry but there's a few days of rain predicted and in the shed they will absorb more humidity than in the shack. I didn't want them to lose any ground because if it rains all weekend I'm hoping maybe I could start trimming them, but if not they will still be better off moved, and I can continue working in the shed.

So ever onward with all that and maybe I can throw down some bud pics this weekend. I've always had trouble getting good bud pics. And probably do a squeeze or two on the Northern Lights. Back soon :)

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
Damn fellas my kitchen stove just shorted out and started smoking like fuckall, I yanked it out of it's niche and pulled the plug and it's over but I'm glad as hell I was right here to stomp that one out 'cause it really seemed like it wanted to turn into a deal. Wasn't using it at the time it just shorted out and went a little nuts. Dammit.

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
Well I've been around the board some without stopping by my own thread lol. I'm just gonna say, I hated like hell seeing that stove self-destruct, it was used but not crazy old and a nice one too. I'm just glad I was here and not asleep when it gave out. It could probably be repaired but neither one of us would trust it afterward and you can't live right with appliances that have fire potential so it's done. Dropped 400$ on that bastard and did not have it long enough for the return on investment, bought it back during the pandemic when appliances were so hard to get.

I originally wanted to make one big close-out post, yeah that's not gonna work. Too much work left to do. I trimmed out Northern Lights first and got done but still need to get a bud pic but that bacame my go-to smoke as soon as it was ready, been on Dutch Durban for a year and that's ok but ready for something new. Yield from the NL plant exceeded my estimate 4X. I had it figured for two zips and it gave up 8+ so hurray, hard to not dig unexpected yield. I'll discuss a little more in close-out post.

So on to Forbidden Skittles x Raspberry Boogie. This plant more than redeemed itself and again I'll discuss a bit more in close-out but I do have some pics.

I normally break even big buds down as I trim but these guys seemed to rate the effort of a leave it on the stem trim so yesterday morning I filled my big cup that I call Sternutator after one of the Heechee in the Gateway books, with coffee and got that done. I also have a pair of Imperial Pint beer glasses that I call Sternutator and Turbulator. These will probably end up as gifts, I have a big ass jar and then some for me. Total yield was +/- 9 zips.
IMG_1513 (1).jpg

So today I need to make a return to home chores to tie up some loose ends pre-winter, spend some time with the wife. I have the Durban all broken down, stripped, and graded by size, ready to wade in for the trim when I can get back to it. I do some during the day but I tend to do most of my trimming late night after the wife turns in. Tunes, beer, buds and scissors. Good times. All I will get done today towards closing this grow out will be to take down the 2 Hindu Kush, break them down to branches and hang them up like that in the trim shack. I've got a lot of bud to go through (well for me anyway lol) between the Durban and the HK, I estimate about 14 zips for Durban and +/- 32 zips for the HK. I may actually jump back and forth between the 2 to help keep the trimming from feeling like it's endless, the change-up helps.

Yield-wise I may have had my best year yet looks like. Quality wise I'd say best yet, and I won't be surprised this time next year after an all phenohunter sourced grow, to be saying the same thing. Most years at this time, I just want to get the trimming done, play HOI3, and forget about growing for a while but this year I'm already jacked for the next. Between the remarkable generosity of new friends, and what I can afford to spend, I'm very optimistic that next year can be the breakout year I hoped this year would be. ✌️

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
Congrats bro! Always good to get those last few pulled and hanging so you don't have to keep heading out to check, haha. Look forward to how you like the new ones :)

Right on, well we had the first hard frost 5 days after I took the last of them, and then starting 2-3 days ago they began spraying something and I don't know wtf it is I assume herbicide, smells like burnt electrical wiring or ultra hot brake pads, kinda nauseating and it probably would have contaminated them if they were still out there.


Right on, well we had the first hard frost 5 days after I took the last of them,

We had a few of those so far, but I've still got a little clone of UK Cheese outside that I'm going to harvest. Some strains can take it without being too bad, and some hate that LOL. Glad you got your plants sorted though bro :)
and then starting 2-3 days ago they began spraying something and I don't know wtf it is I assume herbicide, smells like burnt electrical wiring or ultra hot brake pads, kinda nauseating and it probably would have contaminated them if they were still out there.

I probably have a few that smell like that naturally but it's kind of scary to think of someone spraying anything around the garden.... They just do that stuff there ? Man...

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
We had a few of those so far, but I've still got a little clone of UK Cheese outside that I'm going to harvest. Some strains can take it without being too bad, and some hate that LOL. Glad you got your plants sorted though bro :)

I probably have a few that smell like that naturally but it's kind of scary to think of someone spraying anything around the garden.... They just do that stuff there ? Man...

Yeah they're spraying the fields around us with something, fungicide or herbicide I'd bet, spraying with those boom sprayers we caught it at one time or another for about 3 days in a row but none today. I thought about letting my Hindus go longer and bag them off for a while early mornings but they were ready and 10/25 is as late as I've ever gone so I figured cut it.


Man that's odd for me, as they don't really spray stuff around here much. I do remember a time some years ago where I was working at a little restaurant, and they were driving a truck down the road spraying for Mosquitoes, and then one other time, a few years ago, they sprayed for these Caterpillars that were destroying the trees, and everything else, out in the woods. But spraying this late in the season is a new one for me. Do they at least warn you guys ? Seems a little dangerous to just drop off chemicals everywhere.

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
Seems like this is a new wrinkle, we've been here 4-5 years and I don't think I've seen boom sprayers in the fields after harvest. It's pretty typical to see them spreading lime here after harvest I think they do that about every 3 years, and the big 3 wheel fertilizer spreaders but not boom sprayers. At first I thought it would more likely be fungicide or herbicide but I suppose it could be pesticide for some insect that winters over in the crop trash or soil. At first I thought it was just the smell making me nauseous but now I think we were getting dosed with something best avoided, I never felt quite right the rest of the day on one of those days. I worked in the painters for several years, so a lot of chemical and petroleum industries, went to this place one time the boss points up to a flare tower burning green (was night) said see that it's phosgene, used in WW1 as a nerve agent. It smells like alfalfa and if you smell alfalfa you've got to get moving because getting killed by it starts with smelling it. That kind of burned into my brain and ever since strong chemical smells accompanied by a shitty feeling make me jumpy lol.

The warning you get is hearing them, they have a distinct sound, and then you check the wind. The air is nearly always moving out here and it can carry smells etc. right to you from farther away than you can even see, and it's a prairie, you can see and hear a loooong way. When I was a kid they used to troll through town fogging for mosquitos I don't know what that stuff was but it was freakin 60's pesticide so yeah lol and half the kids in town would be trolling around behind trhem on their bikes. I've often wondered how many of them got Parkinsons later or some awful shit.

There's a small river near here you could throw a rock across if it was 2x as wide, it drains a gigantic area with headwaters around 60 miles from here and we are at the lower end about 25 miles from where it dumps into a more substantial river. About 3 years ago, I can't remember the month but it was cold and raining, we were out trolling down the old river road along our little river, stopped to whiz and once I could see down the bank to the water, it was a nearly solid stream of foam about 2 feet thick from ag shit washed in from many many square miles. I was incredulous, I've seen foam on a river before but not a river of foam.


Seems like this is a new wrinkle, we've been here 4-5 years and I don't think I've seen boom sprayers in the fields after harvest. It's pretty typical to see them spreading lime here after harvest I think they do that about every 3 years, and the big 3 wheel fertilizer spreaders but not boom sprayers. At first I thought it would more likely be fungicide or herbicide but I suppose it could be pesticide for some insect that winters over in the crop trash or soil. At first I thought it was just the smell making me nauseous but now I think we were getting dosed with something best avoided, I never felt quite right the rest of the day on one of those days. I worked in the painters for several years, so a lot of chemical and petroleum industries, went to this place one time the boss points up to a flare tower burning green (was night) said see that it's phosgene, used in WW1 as a nerve agent. It smells like alfalfa and if you smell alfalfa you've got to get moving because getting killed by it starts with smelling it. That kind of burned into my brain and ever since strong chemical smells accompanied by a shitty feeling make me jumpy lol.

The warning you get is hearing them, they have a distinct sound, and then you check the wind. The air is nearly always moving out here and it can carry smells etc. right to you from farther away than you can even see, and it's a prairie, you can see and hear a loooong way. When I was a kid they used to troll through town fogging for mosquitos I don't know what that stuff was but it was freakin 60's pesticide so yeah lol and half the kids in town would be trolling around behind trhem on their bikes. I've often wondered how many of them got Parkinsons later or some awful shit.

There's a small river near here you could throw a rock across if it was 2x as wide, it drains a gigantic area with headwaters around 60 miles from here and we are at the lower end about 25 miles from where it dumps into a more substantial river. About 3 years ago, I can't remember the month but it was cold and raining, we were out trolling down the old river road along our little river, stopped to whiz and once I could see down the bank to the water, it was a nearly solid stream of foam about 2 feet thick from ag shit washed in from many many square miles. I was incredulous, I've seen foam on a river before but not a river of foam.

Bro..... That's a whole different level of ridiculous right there... I know I say this a lot, but, for real, you ever consider moving ??

Captain Sternn

In Bloom
Bro..... That's a whole different level of ridiculous right there... I know I say this a lot, but, for real, you ever consider moving ??

We moved back here to be near our Moms in their later years, and for the quiet and seclusion. My wifes Mom died before we could complete the move, and within a year of moving mine didn't know me anymore. If we did move it would be back to Cinci to be near the kids. A person just doesn't realize what mass ag introduces into the environment until you witness it, plus there's crude oil production and refining and whatever else. It's not entirely devoid of things good and enjoyable. I will say this, and as much shit as they spread on the farmground I don't quite get it but our water tested fine for nitrates phosphates etc. so that much is good. And we get to observe a lot of wildlife with not many people around. We'd have to hit the lottery to move now, pretty well played out.
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