What's for dinner tonight?


? Guy Fire-y ?
That just may be worth installing a few (hundred) miles of pneumatic tubing between our houses...
Slather that bish in cheese, wrap it in foil, THOOMP...and I bet I could get PsychoBilly to go halvsies with me on the project!
No shit. I saw that pot and showed the wife, we're foodies, like big time. I'm thinking some pasta one night subs the next. We grow our own tomatoes and make marinara and pico de gallo. My wife knocks it out of the Park every single night unless I'm doing the cooking. We eat like royalty?


Gum Wrapper Grows
Get on it guys! Nationwide delivery of these bad Larry's could be yours!
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No shit. I saw that pot and showed the wife, we're foodies, like big time. I'm thinking some pasta one night subs the next. We grow our own tomatoes and make marinara and pico de gallo. My wife knocks it out of the Park every single night unless I'm doing the cooking. We eat like royalty?

Welp, Sounds like we're gonna need a nationwide network of tubing, on second thought!

If anyone else wants to put in on it, I spose we could Thoomp other things besides meat...like, veggies...or other greenery...

I can see it now- The Pheneumatic Exchange Network for Instant Sandwiches- Tubed meat for all! ...Trademark pending...



Welp, Sounds like we're gonna need a nationwide network of tubing, on second thought!

If anyone else wants to put in on it, I spose we could Thoomp other things besides meat...like, veggies...or other greenery...

I can see it now- The Pheneumatic Exchange Network for Instant Sandwiches- Tubed meat for all! ...Trademark pending...

For you and I, it's a lot cheaper for us to pressure them to move here instead :)


Staff member
Well spring has buggered off and it's been cold and wet for the last couple of days. Decided to feed the family up with lasagne. Red wine sauce made from an el cheapo Shiraz. Empty plates meant it must've been good, or the kids were just too bloody hungry haha
View attachment 136243

I'm fairly polite, but would throw elbows for a corner-piece....
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